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Berry and Vanilla Cream Tart

May 9, 2014

Berry Tart (
I often revisit and revise recipes I have made before on the blog. This week I went back in time – way back to the very start. My first ever post was for a fruit tart and the photos are so blindingly awful that I wanted to erase them the minute I saw them again. Continue Reading…


Apple and Blackberry Clafoutis

October 15, 2013

PearClafoutisF (1 of 1)

I kind of secretly love when the weather suddenly changes and there is an icy cold nip in the air. I love wrapping up and going for walks in the park and watching the crispy golden leaves drop slowly to the ground. It’s a time for warm inviting fires and hot nourishing comfort food. Continue Reading…


Chocolate Cointreau Cake

September 21, 2012

 This is the second time I made this particular cake, and I am always surprised how decadent and chocolaty it is. The ground almonds and Cointreau make this a very rich cake. One thin slice with a cup of coffee is perfect, which means this cake goes a long way. It is a great cake for entertaining or for birthday parties. It has such an intense flavour and you definitely don’t miss the flour at all. Continue Reading…