Showing 55 Result(s)

Classic Apple Tart

Apple Tarts (or apple pies) are serious business in Ireland. Most Irish people will claim that their mother or their granny makes the best apple tart. Both my grannies always made amazing apple tarts. I think the secret was lots of butter and apples fresh from the trees. 


S’more Dessert

Camping and s’mores are two things that are entirely new to me. When the OH brought up the subject of camping, I quickly tried to change the subject. I just never envisioned myself as the type of person that would like camping. In Ireland camping is divided into two … emm … camps.


Meringues with Strawberries

I grew up in county Wexford in Ireland, which is well known for its delicious strawberries. Wexford strawberries are indescribably good. In fact I have never tasted a strawberry that tastes as good as a Wexford strawberry. When I was growing up, we had a small strawberry patch behind our house.



I’ve been trying to cut down on coffee, which is hard when you live in Seattle and there is a coffee shop pretty much on every corner. So, I have relegated coffee drinking to the weekends. Somehow it tastes better now that I don’t drink it as often -I wonder how long that will last 😉