
Peach Lemonade

Peach Lemonade I promise this is the last peachy post for a while. I just keep finding so many great uses for delicious seasonal peaches. We do have peaches back home, but they usually have to travel a few thousand miles to get to us. So, when you buy peaches at home, it is always somewhat of a gamble – you could get hard ones, bruised one and sometimes one that is just right. It’s such a novelty for me to buy a case of peaches that are all perfect and from this very state. We were at a restaurant recently and they had peach lemonade on the menu. It was divine, so I had to replicate it at home, and it tasted even better. It’s so refreshing on a hot day and is nice with a shot of vodka as a cocktail for the weekend. So, I will continue to buy my case of peaches every week until I can….but I promise to hold off on the peach recipes for a while 🙂

PeachLemonadeA5 (1 of 1)Ingredients

  • 3 peaches – skinned and stoned
  • 240 mls / 1 cup of lemon juice
  • 190g / 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1500mls / 6 and a 1/4 cups  of water


I find a tomato peeler does a great job at peeling the skin from the peaches. It helps if the peaches are just ripe, but not over-ripe. Put the skinned and stoned peaches in a food processor and puree . Put the lemon juice and the sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Heat the lemon and sugar until the sugar has dissolved. Then, add the peach puree and stir well. Allow to cool, and then refrigerate. Once the peach lemonade syrup is cool, add the water and serve. To make this peach lemonade a cocktail, add one shot of vodka per glass. PeachLemonadeA1 (2 of 3)