

After a long lazy Christmas break, I’m finally welcoming the New Year with some hearty soup. Though it’s not as cold here in Seattle as the rest of the states, there is still a wintery chill in the air. Minestrone is a quick and easy soup to make, and really hearty and delicious.


Hobbit Cookies

I am very excited to see “The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug” this weekend. I have had a long love-hate relationship with Tolkien. We were forced to read him in school at a time when I really couldn’t appreciate him. It was only years later that I picked up the series again and really …

About Stasty

My First Ebook

I’m very excited to announce that I have my published my very first ebook. Wohoo! After blogging for over two years, I decided to release a short book of gluten-free recipes. I don’t cook gluten-free all the time, but I am always amazed at how popular my gluten-free recipes are, so I dedicated some time …