
Pear and Custard Tarts

These pear and custard tarts came from a memory really. We had lots of beautiful organic D’Anjou pears to use up, and I wanted to make something special with them. Most of the pear tarts you see involve chocolate or frangipane, and they all seem a bit heavy for the delicate pear.


Vegetable Crumble

Who ever said crumble had to be sweet? Savoury crumbles are one of my favourite things to eat -crumbly, cheesy, nutty, and full of flavoursome vegetables. For some reason, I always associate crumble with the cold weather. It’s a really hearty and satisfying meal, and  pure comfort food for me.


Queen of Puddings

The third series of Downton Abbey started last week in the states, and it’s become an absolute hit over here. I am feeling slightly smug as I have already watched series three back in Ireland. There is something really comforting about settling down for an episode of Downton Abbey.  The minute I see that Labrador in …


New Year Fortune Cookies

Happy New Year everyone. I seem to be having a bit of a slow start to twenty thirteen, but I am excited to see what’s in store for this year. Twenty twelve was a pretty eventful one for me. I got married, I started eating meat again (after twenty years of no meat), I went gluten …