
Cherry and Almond Cake

My dear departed granddad used to love cherry cake with lashings of real butter and a cup of hot sweet tea. For years my gran used to make these delicious cherry cakes and it’s something that always brings me back to my childhood at home on a Sunday. Lately I have been feeling very nostalgic so I decided …


Donal Mc’s brown bread

This is my Dad’s very own recipe for brown bread and I almost feel guilty for sharing it because it’s very special to us. It’s actually more of a white soda with a bit of brown as opposed to the traditional brown bread. He makes it every day, and it’s always been a bit of …

About Stasty

The Plucky One

  At first glance this picture might look like three cats eating from a dish, but it is in fact two cats and a hen! You might remember from my previous post that the cats were a little suspicious of the free range hens, however a lot has changed since then. I am sad to say …


Lemon Curd Yoghurt

Last week was my first foray in the yoghurt making business. And I have to say I was a little sceptical to begin with. The yoghurt making contraption arrived via mail order and looked disappointedly low tech! It was basically a plastic flask with a plastic jar that fit inside. Hmmm. Anyway, undeterred I went …


Waterford Food Festival

One sunny Friday evening my other half and I chased out of the city, battled the rush hour traffic, meandered our way down the twisty roads of West Waterford, (dodged a couple of sheep on the way) before finally landing in the picturesque town of Lismore. We were there for the Waterford Food Festival, and were excited …