Showing 7 Result(s)

Chocolate Mocha Buckwheat Cake

Our new kitchen is almost ready, and I am so excited to start cooking again. In the three weeks we were without a kitchen, it was actually the simple things I missed most – fresh coffee, the smell of home-made bread, and being able to make an omelet! Now, that I am back though I …


Irish Coffee Swiss Roll

When I was young my sister Zoe used to make a great coffee cake. I used to think coffee cake was incredibly sophisticated as a child. Generally in Ireland coffee cakes were not made with coffee. Just absorb that sentence for a second. You have to remember it was the eighties and coffee hadn’t quite …



Greetings from a greyish Seattle! I’m slowly beginning to get into the holiday spirit, and have just started to think about Christmas recipes. I decided to make some mincemeat first, as it takes about a week to mature and for all the lovely flavours to mingle. Just in case you are unfamiliar with mincemeat, it …