
Thank Crunchie Bits Friday

Now that Easter is nearly upon us, I thought I should share a nice chocolatey recipe with you all. I often get a craving for crunchies on Fridays, (I guess advertising really does work). I recently noticed that Cadbury’s have a new product on the market called Crunchie Nuggets. I knew it was possible to …


Am I going bananas cake

I have just noticed that I have a lot of banana recipes in my blog. (Note to self -must diversify and buy some different fruit.)  I think the reason I have so many banana recipes is because I always have a couple left in the  fruit bowl and never manage to eat them all on …

Main Dishes

Cheesy Leek Quiche

You might have remembered me rambling on earlier this week about free range eggs and luscious leeks from the garden.  Well, I decided I would have to honour my hearty home grown ingredients with a suitably delicious recipe. I had a big hunk of nutty comté in the fridge as well, which I decided I would add …


The Pecking Order…

  To say my Dad’s hens are free range is a bit of an understatement. He was given four hens a few years ago, and had built an average size coop and hen run for them to roam around. He became quite fond of the hens and decided to *extend* the hen run.  Which is great. Now the hens …


Love a bit of baklava!

You may have noticed I got a new camera! So hopefully my photos will begin to look a little better. I got a bit carried away with this one and went rooting through my cupboards trying to find Middle Eastern style props. Hope it looks suitably exotic and makes you think of far off places as …


Matt The Thresher

Picture provided by Aoife from I Can Has Cook? As regular readers of my blog might have noticed, I cook lots of fish but never any meat, that’s because I’m a pescitarian (no to meat but yes to fish!) So, I am always excited to hear about the opening of a new fish restaurant. I was extra excited …