About Stasty

The Plucky One

At first glance this picture might look like three cats eating from a dish, but it is in fact two cats and a hen! You might remember from my previous post that the cats were a little suspicious of the free range hens, however a lot has changed since then. I am sad to say that the hens were attacked and savaged by a local dog and now there remains only one single hen.  She was always the plucky one and apparently she cleverly hid in the garage when the dog came, but she was pretty shaken when found. 

The lone hen is still  giving us an egg a day but she is looking a bit lost without her hen friends. So much so that she has even started to hang out with the cats.  Whenever we feed the animals, the hen ignores her own plate and runs jauntily down the steps to come dine with the cats. Needless to say the cats are a little confused about their new companion, but have slowly come to accept her. I think if we don’t get her some new hen mates soon, she might start to meow.