Showing 4 Result(s)

Kitchen Tools

  There are some kitchen tools that I just can’t seem to live without. I only ever notice this when I go to someone else’s kitchen, and I start ransacking their drawers desperately looking for the right type of tool. I guess the more you cook, the more you appreciate good utensils. In my time, …


Umami – Have you tasted it?

I have been obsessed with Umami paste since I read an article about it in 2009. Umami is taken from a Japanese word meaning “pleasant savory taste”. It is said that Umami provides us with a fifth taste. The main four tastes that we know and love are sweet, sour, salt and bitter. So what …


Beer Time

I just discovered a great new Irish beer and I wanted to share. There are some amazing new micro breweries springing up around the country and I think they deserve our support. I found this beer in a great new gastro pub – The Exchequer Gastro pub who serve fantastic food as well as having …