Showing 9 Result(s)

Butterscotch Banana Sundae

Do you ever have that moment of panic when you realize you have nothing for dessert and you’ve friends coming for dinner? I sometimes get so caught up making the main course that I have no time left to make dessert. Rather than rush out and buy a dessert though, there are plenty of things you …


Banana Toffee Pudding Sundae

Sticky toffee pudding is something I’ve become really fond of recently. It’s a very classic British dessert, that can be steamed or baked. This pudding is made with a basic cake batter and dates. Dates are not something you would normally associate with decadent desserts, but trust me it works.



I’ve been trying to cut down on coffee, which is hard when you live in Seattle and there is a coffee shop pretty much on every corner. So, I have relegated coffee drinking to the weekends. Somehow it tastes better now that I don’t drink it as often -I wonder how long that will last 😉