Showing 3 Result(s)

Rainbow Cookies

I promise these are the last biscuits for a while. I am going to turn into a biscuit if not! The weather has been spectacularly drizzly in Ireland so far this summer. I wore a polo neck and winter boots the other day. It is turning into yet another Irish summer – rain with intermittent …


Jammie Dodgers

Jammie Dodgers are another old school classic. When I was a kid I would always try and prise them open into two halves, but I never could because they were always glued together so tightly with jam as strong as super glue.  We never seemed to have them at home for some reason, so I …


Guilty Pleasures

Last week was the first time I had ever baked for my own sweet stall! It was certainly an adventure and also a great learning experience. I have a whole new respect for the amount of work that goes into producing food for a market stall. The hardest part, it has to be said, was …